Epico Epico
Epico Epico

We care

about sustainability

We swore to ourselves never to stop exploring sustainable and progressive solutions to reduce consumption and carbon footprint. A better and kinder future is our daily mantra.

Our sustainable journey

We are proud of the progress we have made in the sustainability field. Our first focus was reducing the plastics in our packaging, and now our journey has led us to create a new sustainable product line with mobile accessories made of recycled materials.

We care

Responsible aim for production and consumption

Global recycling initiatives have helped Epico reduce its carbon footprint on a much larger scale. We regularly report on how much paper and plastic packaging we import and pay recycling systems to offset the consumption of this material.

41,8 tons of electrical and electronic devices
2 735 kilograms of batteries
54 tons of packaging

We follow our mission

We started by reducing the plastics in our packaging.

From 40% to 16%.

In the previous five years, our packaging consisted of 40% plastic.

  • Plastic holders
  • Plastic hooks
  • Extensive user manuals
  • Plastic windows on the boxes

We made the first packaging which is 100% recyclable.

The only piece of plastic left is the hook.

We have achieved a 96% reduction of plastics in packaging.

  • Paper holders
  • QR codes for user manuals printed inside the packaging
  • The plastic hook is fully recycled & recyclable

We created a sustainable product line with products made of recycled materials.

New Resolve by Epico product line

We have launched the Epico Resolve line-up.

  • Sustainability is closer with Epico Resolve.

Let’s create a kinder and better future together

We fully support conscious consumer behaviour, from recycling all of our packaging to using our products responsibly and looking for the most sustainable solution possible.

Unnecessary components, such as extensive printed instructions in many different languages, have been replaced by a QR code printed on the inside of the box that leads to a web page with instructions, which contributes to less packaging and material consumption.

We value

Private label & Co-branding

We’re into charging